Since yesterday was Cinco De Mayo, my roommate Katie and I decided to have a little party! We invited some friends over and had yummy Mexican food. I made Guacamole, green chili chicken, Burros, tacos, Spanish rice, all the good stuff! And of course we had the pinata!!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Cinco De Mayo!
Posted by Stevie at 5:49 PM 3 comments
We've covered the Then so its time for Now!
So now that the busy semester ended, I guessed I decided that I didn't get enough so I choose to stay in Rexburg for a summer semester. I'm currently taking two classes and trying to find a job. I applied for Great Harvest Bread Co. but I haven't heard back so I guess I will have to keep searching. When I am not in class I enjoy cooking, going to the temple, being outside (the weather is sooo nice!), tanning, crafts, hanging out and working out (oh wait I don't enjoy that! What was I thinking??? I guess I'm just trying to develop the good habit and lose a little weight, too much eating when your in culinary classes).
As for classes I am taking International Foods, throughout the course we are studying main different cultures and countries and how food/cuisines have developed throughout history. Then every Thursday we are given a different responsibility in the kitchen (Grillardin, Entremetier, Potager, Patissier, Garde Manger, and Dinning Room) and we have two hours to make a full menu of items from a certain country. This last week we did Northern Europe and my role was Patissier. I made a Barley Bread and Plum Pudding. The Plum Pudding was yummy!!! Then after the two hours once the dinning room is set up and decorated for the culture for eleven students and our teacher we all sit down and enjoy! It is totally a blast!!! We will also be studying Japan/Korea, Italy, Spain, France, India, Mexico/Central America, Africa, Asia, and Morocco/Middle East. Not only is this class just fun my teacher is wonderful! He really takes the time to teach and make sure you know what he/you are doing and you understand. We all have a great time.
Now if I haven't made you jealous enough there is more! My second class is Confectionery. What's not to LOVE about chocolate and candies!!!! Plus there is a super sweet girl I get to work with, Megan, she is new to the Culinary department so she loves to pick my brain and we have a ton of fun together. Unfortunately she is married and may not be here next semester, thats ok though we are having fun together now! We also work with a girl Danielle. This last Thursday we had to give a demontration on filigree, which is the decorative chocolate or royal icing that you often see stuck in desserts. Here are some things we made... of course they would look better if they were in desserts then on pans.
Posted by Stevie at 2:48 PM 1 comments
Bridal Show
Ok so I created a slideshow of pictures from the bridal show. Enjoy!
Posted by Stevie at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Rewind and Replay
Since I didn't start my blog when planned because of a busy and crazy end to a semester, I thought I would catch everyone up on what I have been up to with school, projects, and fun! I love to share my projects with everyone, especially after putting so much time into them. One project that took up a lot of time at the end of last semester was for my Advance Visual Media class, we had to create a website. So if you want to see my projects for this class take a look at Although this project took over forty hours, there was another project in taking the rest of my free time. Lets just say I didn't get much sleep that last few weeks of school.
Posted by Stevie at 7:58 PM 1 comments
All Right Already, No More Excuses!
Shawny inspired me a while ago to create a blog, so I quickly got on the internet and signed up. Its now been a few months and there is still nothing on my page. I check Shawn's blog every day to see if she has a new post and I get very sad when there is nothing. She recently informed me that she checks mine often and is always let down when she continues to see a blank page. I am completely out of excuses, she is out of town right now so Im going to give her a lovely surprise when she gets home!!! Love you Shawny!
Posted by Stevie at 7:50 PM 1 comments