So yesterday was my roommate Al's birthday!!!! She is absolutely obsessed with High School Musical so she wanted it as her theme. Of course I had to make her a cake so here is what I came up with. Its not exactly like I wanted but close enough. Tonight we are having the party and we are all dressing up as characters from the movie, so check back for more pictures!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Al!!!!
Posted by Stevie at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Stud Muffin!
So I have a silly roommate....Her name is Martha and she is from Texas. Martha told us the other day..."Look yall I either need a boyfriend or a puppy!" We all laughed and that was pretty much the end of the conversation. Today Martha came home with a two month old lab named Stud. He is the cutest little thing so I call him Stud Muffin! The bad thing is we aren't suppose to have pets in our apartment, hopefully we don't get caught ;)
Posted by Stevie at 6:19 PM 1 comments
Happy Birthday Jennie!!!!
Today is my friend Jennie's Birthday!!!! She is such a sweetheart and I just love her, so I made her a birthday cake. I spent all day yesterday and a few hours today working on it, but now that its done I just love it! I only came across one big problem and that was my second layer collapsing, but I just cut it down and made it into my top layer so it all worked out. Anyway, Happy Birthday Jennie!!!!!
Posted by Stevie at 6:07 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Paint, Paint, Paint!!!
We aren't allowed to paint our bedrooms here at school so we found something else to paint...each other!!!!! We all got white shirts and we a little bored so we played paint tag. Then we filled some balloons up with air and paint and threw darts at them. It was pretty fun!!!
Posted by Stevie at 4:03 PM 3 comments
My friends and I went to the midnight showing of Narnia a few weeks ago. If you haven't seen it yet you need to go it was really good. I have a story that actually reminded me of seeing Narnia... A girl this sunday pretty much bore her testimony on Narnia, huh???? It was a little interesting and we all struggled to figure out what she was trying to say, but something along the lines of comparing the Lion to Christ and how he was gone for many years and the children were finally united with him. Anyway it was interesting because she was basically advertising for the movie by going into the whole plot. I guess some people just for get the point of testimony meetings. Well here is a picture of Me, Katie and her sister Kristi at the showing of Narnia.
Posted by Stevie at 3:55 PM 2 comments