That's right! After many many semesters I finally graduated from college with a degree in University Studies, a Culinary Arts minor and a cluster in Photography and Visual/Digital Media. My parents, Saundra, my grandma, Sheila and Rusty, and Kyle got to come celebrate with me. It was a nice short 45 min graduation and i'm glad I am done. I will greatly miss Rexburg, school and the wonderful people and friends, but I am also excited for something new! Now its time to plan a wedding!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Posted by Stevie at 6:59 PM 0 comments
So you want to know how I got engaged!
Well unfortunately Kyle and I have to spend the weeks apart and only get the weekends together. But lucky for me he finished the semester a week before me so he was able to come up during the week to see me and be there for my graduation. He came up wed. and asked me if I wanted to go look at Christmas lights. I was so excited, but said I would only go if there was hot chocolate and Christmas music. We headed to G's Dairy for our hot chocolate. When we were walking up to the door there was fresh snow on the side walk. I was excited to be able to place the first foot prints int he new snow. So I jump up on the sidewalk and BAM! I fall. Luckily Kyle had my hand so I didn't get hurt, but it was still funny so we both shared a good laugh. They were closed inside but the employee said we could go through the drive threw. So instead of getting in the car we walk up to the window and order our hot chocolate. It was so cold so I got a big smile when handed my hot chocolate!
Kyle and I started to drive around in search for lights. Since its Rexburg, Idaho we didn't come across too many. Earlier this day I had been shopping for Kyle's Christmas present. I decided to give him one present every day until I left to go home. I had his present with me in the car so since it was a Christmas cd I told him to pull over to open it. He pulled over in an empty lot over looking Rexburg. He opened the gift and said thanks. It began to snow and a slower Christmas song came on. He asked me if I wanted to dance. I grinned and said yes. We danced a bit in the freezing snow and the he said he wanted me to open his Christmas present early. I knew he had been working on some present that included the help of family and friends. It was a book full of letters and pictures from all the wonderful people in my life. It was so wonderful it even made me cry. I loved it! I got to the last page, it was from Kyle. He had written a message and then had a wheel of pictures that I could spin to see more pictures. I got to the end of the wheel and it read, will you marry me? Kyle was then down on one knee with a beautiful ring in his hand. Or course I said yes! We were very excited, but had now been in the snow for a while and were freezing! The cold did not stop our fun and excitment!
Posted by Stevie at 6:46 PM 0 comments
I know, I know, I know...I suck at bloggin!
Ok I know i have been very bad at posting. I keeping doing the I'll do it tomorrow thing. Well I realized the last time I posted was March and I am not about to let it go a year. So here I am and hopefully I can keep it up! So quick recap since last March...
I finished up spring semester, was home for a week and went right back to Rexburg for the summer semester. I can't think of too many exciting events that took place, but there was one in particular that has changed my life quite a bit and is probably also the reason I haven't been taking time to post a blog. In June my roommate Alison was debating to go to a family reunion in Utah. She didn't have a ride and didn't care to much to go. But after much begging from her mother and me offering her a ride, the two of us headed to Utah to spend the weekend with Al's family. About a month prior to this I was at a wedding reception for a roommate. At this point I had two roommates married and the rest were in relationships. I felt like something was wrong with me. I was older than all these girls and couldn't even get a date. I was a feeling pretty cruddy and about to just give up. So here I was headed to a reunion looking forward to getting away from school and the whole dating scene, excited to have a relaxful weekend with my roommate.
At the reunion I met many of Al's family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and a lot of cousins (at least it was a lot to me since I have six total). Of course when I met Al's male cousins who were around my age I automatically looked at them to see if they were someone I could date (BYU-I trains you to do this, everything seems to be about dating and marriage so its constantly set in my brain). As I met these few cousins nothing in my head went oh i like! But they seemed to be fun guys! We stayed up late with all the college ages cousins playing games and talking. It had been a fun weekend.
As the reunion came to an end Al convinced a few of the cousins to stick around in Utah to hangout that night with some mini golf. This meant on our way back to Rexburg Al and I would take her cousins Kyle and Beverly all the way to Pocatello. To make a long story shoter (at least I'll try) we had a fun game of mini golf, that kyle paid for and I won!!!! I'm awesome.
On our way back to Rexburg Kyle and I got to know each other a little more. But yet I still thought nothing of it. When I dropped Kyle off he handed me a note saying thanks for spending the weekend with the family and for the ride. He also included a $20 for gas. I tried to give it back but he refused. As Al and I headed back to Rexburg she told me how Kyle wanted to come up to visit her and be set up on a date. She asked me if I wanted to go with him. I laughed and said why don't you set him up with someone he hasen't met. She hesitated a second then told me that he kind of already requested to go with me. I laughed somemore flattered yet not sure anything would come from this, but I agreed. When I got home and got on facebook I had already had a friendship request from Kyle. I guess he wasn't going to waste any time.
Kyle was in Burley Idaho working for the summer, but made sure he came up to Rexburg for his date. After the first date I was still unsure if there was anything there but I decided to keep giving him a chance. We spent a few more weekends together and started to date. Kyle made lots of trips to see me this summer. Unfortunately the summer semester ended and I was going home for seven weeks. We kept in touch and when I was back at school the traveling continues. He was in Logan now for school, so we took turns making that wonderful journey (yet now I'm sure I could do it with my eyes closed and am so sick of it). Well what it all boils down to is Kyle went to meet my family in october, came to my house for Thanksgiving to ask my dad a question, got engaged Dec. 16 and now we are getting married March 13. Wow how things happen and change fast when you least expect it. However, I couldn't ask for anything better! He is an amazing guy and has become my best friend. I can't wait to spend my life with him!
Sorry for the long story, its been so long for posting that I just took off and couldn't stop.
Posted by Stevie at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Event Show Weekend and Fun Times with my Family
Here is a slide show of some pictures that were taken over this last weekend. It was the weekend of the Event Show where I got to display my cake. Mom, Stacy, Saundra, Kayla, Karly, Aunt Shelley and Grandma Jean came to visit. We all had a blast. I wish we could have that much fun all the time!!! Thanks everyone for coming and sharing this experience with me, it meant a lot!!!! Oh and by the way the red and black cake is mine (hence the ton of pictures) the other cakes are ones that my classmates did.
Posted by Stevie at 7:50 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Here are some pictures of my cake I did for the Event Show. This room was designed for a New Year's Eve party with a swing music theme. I spent approximately 45 hours on the cake, but it was totally worth it. I had a blast and was so grateful for the opportunity to do it. I am also so glad my family could come and see it, we had a great weekend!!! I will post a slide show of more pictures when I have some more time. So come back and check soon!
Posted by Stevie at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Here are a few cakes I have done recently...
Brooke celebrated her 22nd Birthday this week so I made her a GIANT cupcake...with her favorite colors green and purple! Happy Birthday Brookey!
This is a cake I did in my Advanced Cake Decorating class...I love the hail spotting on the drop strings...I think it is a technique from Australia! The fondant is bumpy, but that wasn't my fault. We used store bought for this project and it went on smooth and then when we came back a few days later it was like this. We aren't really sure why, but you get the idea.
This was my midterm wedding cake project...It was really fun and I love the fresh flowers on it. It finishes off the cake nicely...I wish you could see it in person though...the picture just doesn't look as good.
Posted by Stevie at 5:44 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
Books, Books, Books
Books means more fun! For my photography cluster I am talking a book art has nothing to do with photography, but it counts toward my it is way fun!! In the class we learn different stitchings and binding methods to make books. I thought I would share a few pictures of the books I have learned to make so far in this semester...and check back because I will be posting more!
Posted by Stevie at 4:59 PM 2 comments
Scott and Sam
Sam is a friend of mine and Brooke's, Brooke knows Sam from back home in Indiana. Sam has been recently dating a guy named Scott from Indiana. Well Brooke has been talking to Scott a few times lately and she has been helping plan Scott coming to Idaho to propose to Sam. I got to be involved since I'm Brooke's friend and she needed help here since Scott was so far away. Anyway I ended up picking up Scott at the Idaho Falls airport and than Brooke and I helped him set up for the big night. This whole time we are also having to tell poor Sam all these lies to keep it all a secret (at least we were lying for a good reason). Brooke and I made manicotti, steamed garlic vegetables, french bread, and cream cheese brownies. We also got to decorate, good thing Scott had us to help ! It was really fun! Congrats Scott and Sam!!!
Posted by Stevie at 4:45 PM 1 comments